
End of Support for ProAnalyst® v1

Support for ProAnalyst v1 (all legacy versions 1.x.x) came to an end on January 1, 2025. ProAnalyst v1 users can continue to use their software on Windows 10 (and on some installations of Windows 11) with their existing ProAnalyst files. However, Xcitex is no longer able to provide a replacement USB license dongle to ProAnalyst v1 users who lose their dongle(s).

Here is how end of support affects ProAnalyst v1 users:

  • Technical support for your ProAnalyst v1 software is no longer available; this includes troubleshooting, consulting, and training for your software.
  • No further updates to ProAnalyst v1 support content will be made. All new support content will be generated for ProAnalyst 2023 and future major releases. Legacy support content will still be available in the Support Center.
Two generations of legacy ProAnalyst USB dongles; serial numbers marked.

Important: Development of ProAnalyst v1 ended July 2024, and the final release was made available on the Software Downloads page. This is the last release compatible with the ProAnalyst v1 USB license dongles (blue USBs with serial number 726****; see figure).

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End of Support for ProAnalyst v1 (legacy versions) has arrived

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