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Life Sciences
Cell Track The Cell Tracking toolkit for ProAnalyst is ideal for biological applications. Track cell motion through veins and arteries in microscopic images. Compute cellular proximity to vascular walls, flow direction, and more.
Cilia At the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, researchers use ProAnalyst to extract and analyze the motion of cilia — microscopic hairs found in the nose, ears and other sensory areas. Over 40 image processing and filtering tools are available in ProAnalyst to help users define and isolate features in video images.
Heart Valve Medical researchers have adapted MiDAS software as the standard for capturing videos of heart valve movement while simultaneously collecting data from from flow sensors. WaveForm per Frame™ technology synchronizes video and data with unparalleled accuracy.

Xcitex products in scientific literature

Elias, DO, AC Mason, WP Maddison, and RR Hoy. "Seismic signals in a courting male jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae)." Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (2003): 4029-4039.

Elias, DO, N Lee, EA Hebets, and AC Mason. "Seismic signal production in a wolf spider: parallel versus serial multi-component signals." Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (2006): 1074-1084.

Hermer-Vazquez, L, R Hermer-Vazquez, KA Moxon, K-H. Kuo, V Viauc, Y Zhana, JK Chapin. "Distinct temporal activity patterns in the rat M1 and red nucleus during skilled versus unskilled limb movement." Behavioural Brain Research 150 (2004): 93–107.

Mason, AC, N Lee, and ML Oshinsky. "The start of phonotactic walking in the fly Ormia ochracea: a kinematic study." Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (2005): 4699-4708.

Metzger, KA, WJT Daniel, CF Ross. "Comparison of beam theory and finite-element analysis with in vivo bone strain data from the alligator cranium." The Anatomical Record Part A: Discoveries in Molecular, Cellular, and Evolutionary Biology 283A (2005): 331 - 348.

Montealegre-Z, F and AC Mason. "The mechanics of sound production in Panacanthus pallicornis (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae): the stridulatory motor patterns." Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (2005): 1219-1237.

Sellien, H, DS Eshenroder, FF Ebner. "Comparison of bilateral whisker movement in freely exploring and head-fixed adult rats." Somatosensory & Motor Research 22 (2005): 97-114.

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